
Writing for policymakers short course

Writing for policymakers short course

Do you want policy makers to take more notice of your research?

This four session (each two hours long) course presented by the Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research, is designed to assist academic and clinical researchers make their research more accessible and useful to policy makers. Combining theory with a strong practical focus, you will receive training on the fundamentals of writing for policy makers and communicating in the mainstream media.

At the completion of the course  you will be able to:

  • Understand the realities of the policy making process and the environment in which policymakers work
  • Understand the differences between academic writing and writing for policymakers
  • Identify essential stakeholders for implementing evidence into policy and practice
  • Engage with the policy making process and influence outcomes
  • Engage with the media and non-academic audiences
  • Draft a policy piece related to your own research.

Draft Program
The course can be tailored to meet individual or organisational needs. View the draft program.

For more information please contact us

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